Monday 4 February 2013

a-England - Galahad

You know you love colorful polish when you raid your stash in search of a palate cleanser and you wind up with a-England Galahad on your nails! Cremes are palate cleansers for me because I think they're boring in terms of finish. I mean, give me a hidden shimmer at the very least! So in spite of the bright color, I'd say this manicure is relatively tame for my taste.

Galahad is from a-England's The Mythicals collection, Adina's first collection inspired by Arthurian myths. It's a bright Tiffany blue that leans teal in some lighting and a true blue in others. I'm wearing two coats in these pictures. This is a great polish for Spring and Summer, but also a nice choice to cheer you up in the Winter. Application was nice, as is the case with all my a-Englands. My one complaint is that they don't come with steel mixing balls.

I did have a lot of bubbling with this manicure, but I suspect it had more to do with the poor condition of my nails that day and the heat in my room, rather than the polish itself. But that is one reason I seldom wear cremes - they show every flaw, dent and bubble. And as a perfectionist I can't stand it.

I love a-England polishes, especially the scattered holos. They can be purchased directly from Adina's site (free worldwide shipping), Llarowe, Ninja Polish, and Nail Polish Canada.

1 comment:

  1. Galahad looks great on you! I have it too, I find it a really easy colour to wear.
